Well, here we are again...after sooo long! Sorry about that. We are still learning to be habitual bloggers. Anyway... we've been up to a lot lately.
First of all, our trip to the Dominican Republic. This was a great, jam-packed trip! We spent most of our time preparing for the conference "Back to the Cross". The conference was a success, with about 7,000 people in attendance! Praise God! We had a wonderful time of worship and the Word, and we were confronted and inspired to return to the cross - to remember that Jesus is the center of all we are and do and that we live under His cross, under His sacrifice in our stead, in His grace forever.

Apart from the conference we spent a good time of fellowship with our friends back at church and with family. Jonathan's sister, Jennifer got married as well, so it was a blessing for us to have been able to be there. And we got to go to the beach of course! It was a wonderful trip and we're so grateful to God for the opportunity He gave us to go.
Back to Minnesota.... summer here is beautiful! Beautiful and hot! Not as hot as the DR of course, but hot enough! But it is wonderful to see so much green and to see the sun going down after 8 pm.
Sarah had to work a few weeks over the summer at Hope Academy, during their summer school program. But now she's pretty much on break from everything, which is nice. She'll be starting up College classes with Moody Bible Institute again in August, and work again at the end of August.
When we got back from the DR, Jonathan had to take the Greek National Exam. He would have to pass it in order to confirm his spot in Seminary... and thank the Lord he DID! Praise God for getting him over that hurdle after a year of Greek. Now, Jonathan continues to work for Bethlehem's Hispanic ministry. Last Sunday we had our first out door service, which was a nice change. He's also working hard finishing a worship paper due at the end of this month.
Apart from this we are both working on blogging a lot more. Jonathan will be focusing on this blog, and Sarah is working on starting her own blog "Imperishable Beauty". We are also dedicating a lot more time to writing and recording new songs which we hope to put on the blog VERY SOON! (and hopefully even on iTunes!) we'll see how that goes... We'll also be singing at our friends, Ben & Erica's wedding in California. We'll be there from about August 11-17. So, we're looking forward to sharing with them during that special time in their lives, and just visiting Cali!

Oh yeah! And we're moving! Just to another house... Our current landlords are selling the
property, so we'll be moving to a nice, new, little house on August 7th. Pray for a hassle-free move and and easy adjustment. (Pictures coming...)
Last but not at all the least, we will be celebrating our 1 year anniversary on August 1st! Wow! One whole year already! Time sure flies... God has been so very gracious and faithful to us during this year together. We pray that He continues to grant us with Gospel grace for one another, as He as displayed and poured out His grace on us!
Thank you for your much needed prayers!!
Love in Christ Jesus,
Jonathan & Sarah
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